Modify Data

class AnimalLoop {
    //The area between class definition and the 1st method is where we keep data for object in Java
    String [][] animals;    //2D Array: AP CSA Unit 8: 2D array of strings
                            //2D array is like a grid [x][y]
                            // or like a spreadsheet [row][column]

     * Constructor initializes a 2D array of Monkeys
    public AnimalLoop() {
        //Storing Data in 2D arrays
        animals = new String[][]{   //2D array above is just a name, "new" makes a container ("object")
                //cat 0
                        "  /\\_/\\  ",      
                        " ( o o ) ",      
                        " ==_Y_== ",       
                        "   `-'   "        
                //bird 1
                        "   /\\ /\\ ",       
                        "  ((ovo))",
                        "  ():::()",
                        "    VVV  "
                //spider 2
                        "   ||  ||",       //[2][0]
                        "   \\\\()// ",
                        "  //(__)\\\\  ",
                        "  ||    || "
                //cow 3
                        "  ((...))" ,        //[3][0]
                        "  ( O O )  ",
                        "   \\   / ",
                        "   (`_`) "
                        "  __  (\\_   ",          //[4][0]
                        " (_ \\ ( '>  ",          //[4][1]
                        "   ) \\/_)=  ",          //[4][2]
                        "  (_(_ )_    "           //[4][3]


     * Loop and print monkeys in array
     * ... repeat until you reach zero  ...
    public void printPoem() {
        //begin the poem
        System.out.println(" My Farm ");

        int animalCount = animals.length;

            //how many separate parts are there in a monkey monkey?
            for (int row = 0; row < animalCount; row++) {  //cycles through "cells" of 2d array

                /*cycles through columns to print
                each monkey part by part, will eventually print entire column*/
                for (int col = 0; col < animals[row].length; col++) {

                    // prints specific part of the monkey from the column
                    System.out.print(animals[row][col] + " ");

                    //this is new line between separate parts

                //this new line gives separation between stanza of poem

        System.out.println("             THE END              ");

    * A Java Driver/Test method that is the entry point for execution
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        new AnimalLoop().printPoem();   //a new monkey list and output in one step

 My Farm 
 ( o o )  

   /\ /\  

   ||  || 
  ||    ||  

  ( O O )   
   \   /  

  __  (\_    
 (_ \ ( '>   
   ) \/_)=   
  (_(_ )_     

             THE END              
import java.util.*;

public class AnimalLoop {
    String[][] animals = {
       //cat 0
                        "  /\\_/\\  ",      
                        " ( o o ) ",      
                        " ==_Y_== ",       
                        "   `-'   "        
                //bird 1
                        "   /\\ /\\ ",       
                        "  ((ovo))",
                        "  ():::()",
                        "    VVV  "
                //spider 2
                        "   ||  ||",       //[2][0]
                        "   \\\\()// ",
                        "  //(__)\\\\  ",
                        "  ||    || "
                //cow 3
                        "  ((...))  " ,        //[3][0]
                        "  ( O O )  ",
                        "  \\   /   ",
                        "   (`_`)   "
                //squirrel 4
                        "  __  (\\_   ",          //[4][0]
                        " (_ \\ ( '>  ",          //[4][1]
                        "   ) \\/_)=  ",          //[4][2]
                        "  (_(_ )_    "           //[4][3]

    public void printAnimals () {
      for (int animalCount = animals.length; animalCount >= 1; animalCount--) {
        for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j<animalCount; j++) {
            System.out.print(animals[j][i] + "    ");

AnimalLoop animal = new AnimalLoop();
  /\_/\         /\ /\        ||  ||      ((...))        __  (\_       
 ( o o )       ((ovo))       \\()//       ( O O )       (_ \ ( '>      
 ==_Y_==       ():::()      //(__)\\        \   /          ) \/_)=      
   `-'           VVV        ||    ||        (`_`)         (_(_ )_        

  /\_/\         /\ /\        ||  ||      ((...))      
 ( o o )       ((ovo))       \\()//       ( O O )      
 ==_Y_==       ():::()      //(__)\\        \   /       
   `-'           VVV        ||    ||        (`_`)       

  /\_/\         /\ /\        ||  ||    
 ( o o )       ((ovo))       \\()//     
 ==_Y_==       ():::()      //(__)\\      
   `-'           VVV        ||    ||     

  /\_/\         /\ /\     
 ( o o )       ((ovo))    
 ==_Y_==       ():::()    
   `-'           VVV      

 ( o o )     

import java.util.*;

public class AnimalLoop {
    String[][] animals = {
       //cat 0
                        "  /\\_/\\  ",      
                        " ( o o ) ",      
                        " ==_Y_== ",       
                        "   `-'   "        
                //bird 1
                        "   /\\ /\\ ",       
                        "  ((ovo))",
                        "  ():::()",
                        "    VVV  "
                //spider 2
                        "   ||  ||",       //[2][0]
                        "   \\\\()// ",
                        "  //(__)\\\\  ",
                        "  ||    || "
                //cow 3
                        "  ((...))  " ,        //[3][0]
                        "  ( O O )  ",
                        "  \\   /   ",
                        "   (`_`)   "
                //squirrel 4
                        "  __  (\\_   ",          //[4][0]
                        " (_ \\ ( '>  ",          //[4][1]
                        "   ) \\/_)=  ",          //[4][2]
                        "  (_(_ )_    "           //[4][3]

    public void printBackwards () {
                for (int row = animals.length-1; row>=0; row--) {
                        for (int col = 0; col<animals[0].length; col++){
                        System.out.println(animals[row][col]+ " ");


AnimalLoop animal = new AnimalLoop();
  __  (\_    
 (_ \ ( '>   
   ) \/_)=   
  (_(_ )_     

  ( O O )   
  \   /    

   ||  || 
  ||    ||  

   /\ /\  

 ( o o )  