
Big O notation for Hash map, Binary Search, Single loop, Nested Loop

  • Big O notation describes the set of all algorithms that run no worse than a certain speed, no better than a certain speed, and at a certain speed
  • Shows the number of operations it will perform

Introduction to Recursion

  • a method that calls itself
  • contains at least one base case that halts recursion and once recursive call
  • each recursive call has own local variables
  • parameter values take progress of recursive process
  • a recursion can be replaced with an iterative and give the same result
  • recursion can traverse string, array and arraylist objects

Merge Sort

  • can be used to sort arraylists
  • Uses a divide and conquer algorithm
  • divides the array into halves and then calls itself for the two different halves in order to sort them
  • merges the two sorted halves into one list
  • Merging Values into One Sorted Array
  • copy the original elements into a temporary array
  • work from left to right in each virtual array to
  • compare element and return them to the correct order in the original array