
One memorable experience for me was during CSP last year when I was given the task of Deployment Manager during the second trimester. I remember attending that first deployment meeting and not understanding anything about the process or just how it worked. After that meeting I went and bought a raspberry pi kit so I could deploy my groups project. Deployment itself was really hard for me because I was not familiar with the idea of it, but with a lot of time and effort put in I was able to figure out the technical ideas of it like port forwarding. During this process I remember individually asking you for help with the domain name and I had never really liked the idea of asking for help because I was intimidated, but with your help I was able to deploy the project in time. Now this year in CSA when we were asked to deploy our own individual projects I remember getting an error that I could not figure out and instead of individually asking you I asked on the general channel and was able to fix the problem with their help. Along with that I also remember other people in CSA messaging me and asking me to help them with their deployment as well. Since then we have deployed maybe 2 more times and each time I have had different experiences with different errors but I was able to research and fix the problem myself.

My second memorable experience was during the last trimester when I was the backend developer for my group and we had to make a database for our project. Before this I was never really considered the ‘backend developer’ of a group, but this time I wanted to challenge myself and also be able to learn more about Java for the AP test. I had struggled with the database for a while an how I was going to implement it with my PBL theme, but eventually I was able to get help from my table group and I researched more about the topic and was able to get it working by Night At The Museum.

Another memorable experience was during CSP last year when we had to do a vocabulary review for all the terms that we had learned until then (last year with Alice as my partner). There were a lot of terms and definitions that we had to format and show our understanding for. I remember I enjoyed having this live review because it was a good review that showed my understanding of the key concepts. This was a good learning experience because I was able to talk about the difficulties of concepts during this review but also establish the idea that I was able to grasp the understanding.