Unit 1 Completetion

code org

Where is a Class defined?

A class is defined when a group of variables, objects and methods need to be added. All these can be different data types.

public class className 

Where are instances of a Class defined?

An instance of a class is an object. Instances can be modified, moved around and can call methods. For example in code.org the object is the painter named myPainter.

ClassName objectName = new ClassName() Painter myPainter = new Painter();

Where does an Object call a Method?

An object calls a method when it wants to preform that action and execute the code. In code.org that would be any of the movement functions like turnRight().


Where does an object mutate data?

An object mutates data when …

Extends in code.org

When using extends the subclass is extending from the superclass so that the subclass can have all the actions that the superclass has. In code.org the PainterPlus class extends from Painter.

public class Subclass extends Superclass { 
public Subclass() {

Describe Console, GUI differences, or Code.org differences

Making a menu in the console does not require the same design elements that GUI needs, like icons. GUI has a friendly output for someone who is expecting more user-friendly graphics. The console is more powerful, but it not as animated as the GUI. Code.org is extremely graphics oriented to engage the user, and to help them understand concepts through a bigger picture. Also console seems easier for user input for the menu.
