Trimester 1 - College Board Units

Unit Notes/Hw
Primitive Types Jupyter Notebook
Using Objects Jupyter Notebook
Boolean Expressions and if Statements Jupyter Notebook
Iteration Jupyter Notebook
Writing Classes Jupyter Notebook
Arrays Jupyter Notebook

Trimester 1 Reflection


From this trimester my main takeaways are about java and object oriented programming. I feel like I have a basic understanding of the main components like objects, methods and constructors, but to enhance that knowledge I want to ensure that I fully understand these topics before I take the AP test. Another thing that I felt like I imporved on or learned was deployment. Last year when I was deployment manager I felt like I did not understand what I was doing but having to deploy multiple times this trimester and making the poster on deployment helped me understand the idea. PBL also helped me improve on my teamwork because my team and I would meet up after school to help each other. I think this made us more helpful in general and allows us to understand each others ideas better.